Absentee Voting
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Voter Guide
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What is When Truth Votes?

When Truth Votes helps voters get the info they need for all elections—local, state, or federal—so they never miss a vote and our laws match our community values.

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Vision Statement

We envision a people who are grounded in truth and actively fulfilling their civic duty, and through this, a society flourishing with liberty and peace.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to activate citizens to engage in the public square, vote in every election, and show that truth precedes peace, liberty, and all human flourishing.

Anchor Statement

Our mission and vision can only be accomplished by being anchored in the source of truth, Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture. God reveals truth in both creation and Scripture for the good of all mankind.

Political Statement

When Truth Votes does not endorse any political candidate or have a party affiliation. Instead, WTV’s mission is aimed at promoting truth and creating tools to educate so that the truth can be discerned by the individual. WTV believes that truth is powerful enough to stand out on its own merits.